Top 15 Lead Magnets You Can Use

And How You Can Create Them In Under 30 Minutes

Kristy Ting
5 min readOct 17, 2021

Are you looking for new ways to attract more clients? Then this blog will help you with a choice of 15 lead magnet ideas and how you can create them in under 30 minutes.

Yes, 30 Minutes!

Now before you can start creating them it’s a good idea to get a handle on what they are.

What Is A Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is a term you will hear marketers and entrepreneurs use. It simply means a free item or service that is offered for the sole purpose of gathering potential client details.

A potential client or prospect is often called a lead.

While a lead magnet is sometimes referred to as a freebie.

Essentially a lead magnet is something your audience can put into use in their business or life without delay. This bridges the gap between a cold prospect into a warm or hot lead. A lead magnet helps grow the know, like, and trust factor.

Now let’s look at 15 lead magnet ideas you can use in your business.

Top 15 Lead Magnet Ideas

This list is by no means extensive. It is the tip of the iceberg as far as the entrepreneurial world is concerned.

Note: To help clarify I have used specific niches throughout this blog, but you can swap to fit your niche.

1: Free Facebook Group

Facebook Groups offer business owners the opportunity to gather potential clients in one place. Your group can serve as a learning tool, teaching your audience and also builds Know, like, and trust. Nurtured group members become clients.

Simply create your group from your profile, link it to your business page, and ensure to add a description that appeals to the people you want to work with.

The rest of these lead magnet ideas are best suited for PDF format.

2: Fun Facts About Funnels — A PDF

Make funnels fun and get people interested enough so they see the value of how having a funnel will help them grow their business.

3: Content Calendar

This would be perfect for start-ups. Remember how frustrated planning your content was when you started? This lead magnet would help save them time and stress.

Quick Wins

These next lead magnets offer major quick wins implemented by the prospect.

4: How To Guides

You can make this fit in niche.

For example, how to design your website, or write content that converts, even how to create a freebie. This should be simple to follow and ideally impress upon the user your expertise.

Again these lead magnets should offer quick wins and the names tell you exactly what they are.

5: Free planner for busy moms

6: An Ideal Client Clarity Client Cheat Sheet

7: Your Guide To Writing CTAs That Convert

8: 50 Attention-Grabbing Headings

9: A Resource Bundle For Remote Working

10: The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Busy Mothers

For any of these, you can take old blog posts or social media captions and compile the necessary information into the PDF.

11: Your Must-Have Budget Checklist

The basic idea here is to offer a checklist that is useful enough that people want to print it off so they use it. You might also consider putting this into an Excel or Google Sheets format, so the potential client can adapt it to their business.

These lead magnets are good for new entrepreneurs and by appealing to a specific niche, such as busy mothers, then you are more likely to have people signing up to get them.

12: Free 100+ Business Ideas For Stay At Home Moms

13: Fill In The Blanks Templates for emails or posts

14: A New Bloggers Starter Pack

15 Beginners Guide To Copywriting: An Ebook

Okay, so this may take a little longer than 30 minutes depending on what information you include. Assuming you have everything ready, then you can easily create an ebook on Canva, an online graphic design tool.

Realistically the first time you do this, it may exceed 30 minutes. Once you have a template and format, then it is a simple rinse and repeat method.

Creating A Lead Magnet In Under 30 Minutes

A PDF can easily be created either from Word or Google documents or you can use Canva.

Simply add your information into a Canva template and convert it into a PDF once you have the fonts and graphics to your liking.

There you go — you can now create a landing page for your lead magnet -and remember you want to capture email addresses, so ensure your landing page describes exactly what it is and who it is for.

Now you have 15 lead magnet ideas and can create them in under 30 minutes, all that’s left to do is to get out there and promote your lead magnet.

I aim to help working mothers leave their 9–5, be able to spend more time with their families and bring their skills online to start an online business. For mothers who are in the 9–5, looking to go online and start a business of your own — even if you’re aren’t ready to leave the workforce yet, but you want to start a side hustle — you can always download my free checklist that allows you to get a head start on how you can do this without going through the trials that I did. I’ll be sharing more about my journey as I transitioned from a full time professional to a near-jobless mother, to an online entrepreneur.

Join the Moms Leaving The 9–5 Summit Now, get your FREE ticket to 19 interviews with amazing successful women who have found financial independence working from home!



Kristy Ting

Pharmacist, Blogger, Funnel Builder to 7 Figure Businesses. Get a free course at